Studio Policy & General Information
Studio Policies
Dress codes will be strictly enforced, since it is part of the discipline of dance and ensures that your child will get the proper dance training... Dress Code Information can be found here.
No dangling jewelry is to be worn to class. Not only is it a distraction, but it can be lost.
No cell phones allowed in dance studios.
Gum chewing is not allowed during class.
No food or drinks in the studios. Water bottles only will be allowed. Please remember to clean up after yourself.
Registration and Payment Information
There is a non-refundable application fee paid by all students to secure a place in class for the 2024-2025 school year.
The fee is $30 per child; $40 per family.
Tuition is based on a 9-month calendar year from September through May.
Tuition payments are due on the 1st of every month.
All tuition and costume balances must be paid in full in order to participate in our end of year annual recital.
A Late Fee of $15 per day will be charged for payments that are not able to be processed by the 5th of the month.
There is a 60-day notice required for cancellation (unenrollment) from the school year season. Registration fees do not expire in the event a student wishes to return to class within the school year season.
Each family must keep a credit card or checking/saving account on file.
Your tuition will be deducted from your account on the first of the month.
Recurring payments can be made by Visa, Mastercard, Discover or checking/savings account.
There are NO REFUNDS for missed classes.
School Schedule and Inclement Weather
Classes are not necessarily canceled when school is canceled.
During inclement weather, we highly recommend checking the studio’s social media for up-to-date alerts prior to your scheduled class to see if your class is canceled.
Since this is not a weekly tuition, the rates are not adjusted from class canceled due to holidays, inclement weather or other uncontrollable circumstances. (Likewise, there is no extra charge for months that have 5 classes.)
Annual Recital and Costumes
The recital is held in late-May, the weekend between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day Weekend.
Information regarding ticket sales, picture week, dress rehearsal, recital date and location will be announced at a later date.
Each student will need one costume for every dance number they are performing in the annual recital.
Deposits - A deposit of $60 per costume will be charged to the payment method on file January 15th, 2023.
Remaining costume balance ($60 per costume) will be charge to the payment method on file March 15th, 2023.
There are NO REFUNDS/CREDITS on costume deposits/payments.
All tuition and fee balances must be paid in full in order to receive costumes.